Barcode, label, Two-dimensional code, label printer, scaner? What purpose machine for our lives? It was like a tornado blew threw the house. There was clothes on the floor, clean dishes over the counters. I asked my roommate,who was new at the time, why nothing was put away."I don't know where anything goes," she replied. It was time to help show her where everything went. I bought a home/office label maker and I labeled everything. There was labels on the drawers, on the cabinets, and even on the shelves. I even started labeling my folders for school so I knew what papers and homework went where. It was by far the best thing I have bought. its shows everyone where everything goes and helps reinforce that fact that things should be put away. My Roommate started putting things where they go and I was happy. Everyone should have one of these, it saves so much time, and some even have cool features like these:
The Epson LabelWorks LW-600P (Epson Website) is fantastic for the busy person on the go, as it is able to be controlled through an app on a smart phone or other mobile device. The printer on this machine cuts the labels as they are printed, which makes it easy to get things done even faster. You can choose what size and length of your desired label too, so this makes it much more hassle free.
The Brady BMP21-PLUS Handheld Label Printer is designed with a very sturdy exterior, which means it would be perfect for people who work outdoors or in industrial environments. The LED screen on this label maker is handy for clear reading and the full keyboard with numbers allows its user to type with ease. One of the best features about this product is it can make multiple line labels.
The Brother PC Connectable Labeling System is made for the person with a desk, as it is somewhat larger and can connect to a computer via USB. It is shaped somewhat like a receipt machine and it can print in larger fonts, which is ideal for organizing spaces and containers. This system is pre-loaded with some designs already for different functions as well.
The Seiko Instruments Smart Label Printer 620 (Official Site) is somewhat smaller than the previous mentioned Brother FC model, but it also compatible with both PC and Macintosh computers by using a USB cord. It is great for the office or home environment as it is able to produce several types of labels including file, shipping, address, and name badge labels.
The DYMO Label Manager LM260P label Printer is a lovely slender device that is simple enough for anyone to use. The LED screen showcases clear text and allows you to proof everything before you print. It fits perfectly in your hand, which makes it optimal for people of all professions.
Overall, there are so many high quality label makers out there. The best thing to do is review each one's features to see what would work best for your label-making adventures. The post via
- Apr 02 Thu 2015 13:49
5 Best Rated Label Maker Recommendations